First for those who still haven't heard of the vserver project: It allows you to run linux inside linux: Any distribution inside any distribution. Each virtual server has its own packages, its own services, its own users and is confined to using some IP numbers only and some area(s) of the file system. You can think of them as virtual machines.
First for those who still haven't heard of the VServer project: It allows you to run Linux inside Linux: any distribution inside any distribution. Each virtual server has its own packages, its own services, its own users and is confined to using some IP numbers only and some area(s) of the file system. You can think of them as virtual machines.
# There are no special daemons running: A vserver running crond, sshd, httpd and sendmail uses the same resources as a normal linux server running these services.
# There are no special daemons running: A vserver running crond, sshd, httpd and sendmail uses the same resources as a normal Linux server running these services.