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Since I didn't see anything outlining this.
My setup:
Since I needed to use a 2.6.x kernel, I needed the 1.9.x stream of vserver patches.
apt-get install linux-source-2.6.11 cd /usr/src tar xjvf linux-source-2.6.11.tar.bz2 cd linux-source-2.6.11 patch -p1 < patch. vi Makefile fix the EXTRAVERSION to be -vs1.9.5 vi fs/super.c add: to just before #include <asm/uaccess.h>: #include <linux/devpts_fs.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> vi fs/file_table.c add: to the end of the #includes #include <linux/vs_limit.h> #include <linux/vs_context.h> cp /boot/config-2.6.11-whatever .config make oldconfig say Y to: CONFIG_VSERVER_LEGACY CONFIG_VSERVER_LEGACYNET CONFIG_VSERVER_PROC_SECURE CONFIG_INOXID_UGID24 say N to: CONFIG_VSERVER_DEBUG make-kpkg --initrd binary cd .. dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.11-vs1.9.5*.deb dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.11-vs1.9.5*.deb
I will likely make a kernel patch for this specifically and submit it to the ubuntu crew. In the mean time, you will need to resolve the rejected patch hunks. There is also a rejected hunk in fs/attr.c, but it seems that the function being patched has already been removed by ubuntu patches.
At this point, rebooting into the new kernel would be in order
The version of util-vserver that is currently in hoary/universe is too old to work with 1.9.5. You will need the alpha version that is on the 1.9.5 release page (0.30.204).
cd /usr/src apt-get source util-vserver tar xzvf util-vserver-0.30.204.tar.gz cp -pr util-vserver-0.30/debian util-vserver-0.30.204/debian cd util-vserver-0.30.204 vi debian/rules comment out line 81 (that does a mv from /usr/sbin) as it isn't needed dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot cd .. dpkg -i util-vserver-0.30.204*.deb
Once again, I'll look into making a proper .deb for submission later.
Get the vshelper setup
vi /etc/sysctl.conf add: kernel.vshelper = /usr/lib/util-vserver/vshelper echo "/usr/lib/util-vserver/vshelper" >/proc/sys/kernel/vshelper
Add the capability module.
vi /etc/modules add (I put it at the top): capability modprobe capability
Disable all of the x25, etc network protocols you aren't using NOTE do this in your vservers too! This is done by uncommenting the lines in /etc/modutils/aliases (at least in ubuntu, in your vservers, do what the guest distro uses)
update-rc.d vprochide defaults update-rc.d vservers-default defaults
Then add to /etc/vservers/VSERVERNAME/apps/init/mark: "default"
This will autostart all the vservers marked default on system startup.
Contact info: gjhurlbu@gmail.com