We currently migrate to MediaWiki from our old installation, but not all content has been migrated yet. Take a look at the Wiki Team page for instructions how to help or browse through our new wiki at wiki.linux-vserver.org to find the information already migrated.

bugs to be fixed

  1. iptables Match Inet Type conflicts with the patch (ng8.7)
maybe because the change of the inet_addr_type method?
  1. lo isn't answering for 127.0.0.x (x != 1) with the patch
fixed for ng8.13++

issues to be resolved

  1. when the last chcontext command exits, interfaces are brought down.
This is causing the root interface to be set to DOWN.
still an issue with ng9.1++?
  1. we need to handle ARP requests for the vservers too ...
ip r a local <guest-ip> dev <host-dev> (workaround)

missing stuff

  1. Documentation on how to install and test NGNet
See: NGNET-Testing-HOWTO, still needs some fixes, ask on irc for now
  1. solution for network based stuff like the ATA over Ethernet

nice-to-have features

  1. Ability to use NGNet in a vserver just like in a context.
almost possible ...
  1. better hash (nfxid aware) for tcp/udp/sockets