We currently migrate to MediaWiki from our old installation, but not all content has been migrated yet. Take a look at the Wiki Team page for instructions how to help or browse through our new wiki at wiki.linux-vserver.org to find the information already migrated.
We can have a ThinkTank for all kinds of ideas
They do not have to be good ideas, just write them down and in a few days someone else
will re-think them or just delete....
I have used Debian and I do not like the way things are going....
They are moving all of Debian in sync and not making a stable base often enough.
You get back ports and out of distro package repositories.
Linux-vserver could have versions that migrate throug 3 or 4 steps (being unstable, testing, rc and stable).
so we would have a Kernel patch set and tools released e.g.
version 0.32 and it would be unstable, after some feedback it should be re introduced for testing etc...
So we could have
0.29 stable, current
0.30 rc
0.31 testing
and some days later
0.29 stable, old
0.30 stable current
0.31 testing
0.32 unstable
We could share the work by assigning persons resposibility for stages
developing new stuff
testing and documentation
rc, more tesing and feedback on documentation
stable, upgrade and new user support.
Note that Laurent Vallar maintains up-to-date vserver-related (unofficial) packages for Debian, including custom kernels on http://zbla.net/debian/
I'd go for the second choice, without the navigation bar at the top, just the navigation menu on the left.
The third one is really ugly if you're using small browser windows and the first one has too much information for my taste, especially the multiple column stuff isn't to my likings, i prefer just reading from top to bottom once.
I like the wiki concept but we will end up having some kind of forzen part at the front (top of the web)
Would someone like to recommend some kind of Web admin or Groupware or organizing software?
Tiki - http://tikiwiki.sourceforge.net - Wiki,Blogs etc. Allows having Groups of users and setting ACLs on Group basis.
Bitweaver - http://www.bitweaver.org/
WackoWiki? - http://wackowiki.com/ - Wiki with ACLs, allows having Groups of users and setting ACLs on User/Group basis. Official version works with mySQL, I'm (romke) preparing version for PostgreSQL?...
TUTOS is a tool to manage the organizational needs of small groups, teams, or departments.
What about drupal???
Please have a look at http://drupal.org/handbook/is-drupal-right-for-you
[PmWiki] is a PHP-based wiki engine that's packed with optional functionalities and completely skinnable. It can look like a non-wiki site while retaining the wiki features. It uses passwords by default but can support users too. It also supports page groups that can be completely customized, from functionalities to look and feel and access rights.