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- Coffee machine (derjohn: senseo)
- Single Malt
- Kasten Waaer und Kola
- refrigerator <-- not enough power ... has someone a (not to small) cooling bag?
- Beamer -> Ich befuerchte wir haben weder Platz fuer einen Beamer noch einen Beamer (BTW: ((http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamer#.E2.80.9EBeamer.E2.80.9C))
- WhiteBoard? (derjohn)
- Mobile 19"-Cabinet (derjohn)
- If you like to bring your 19"-hardware with you: contact derjohn for a slot.
- Kabeltrommel -> derjohn: 6 Port Power-Outlet with 5 M Kabel (Spritzwassergeschuetzt)
- patchkabel: jeder bringt sein Patchkabel mit
- WLAN ? Wird das auf dem LT ueberhaupt gehen (zu viel Noise)? .. better not its makes no much sense when exhibitors provide their own wlan (just add noise) .. last years there some offical wlans which worked more or less (often more less)
- switch (derjohn / im Rack?)
- Tischdecken (gruen / gelb wie das vserver logo - derjohn faehrt am Samstag in die Metro)
- Bannerdruck vom Logo?
- Stellwand (Gitter) fuer Aushaenge: MILF
- Waescheklammern, um da ueberhaupt was dran zu haengen.
- Multi-Head Multi-Seat System: Soewono (3 head?)
- Beschriftungsgeraet: derjohn
- Was _immer_ fehlt: Tesafilm, Schere, Stifte, Zettel
- cehteh brings few tools for repairs (kabelbinder, soldering stuff etc. ..)
- some *small* printer .. old slow laser or such
- cehteh can also bring a laminating machine (with self-adhesive and normal foils) .. but only when it is really required, please tell me if we need it (i likely come by train and can not carry that much).
- who has, please bring some locks with you .. kensignton or so to secure equipement
- Styroporbox + cooling -> derjohn
- Tischdecke: derjohn
Wichtig: Bitte beschriftet alle Euren Sachen mit Namen und E-Mail Adresse!