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This document is on hold till the 1.3.1 with quotas is ready, I'll update it then.

'Note from friendly lurker: 1.3.1 has been released. Care to update this doc? =) Thanks!'

Hello, I'm posting a simple howto. It's rough, but it's allowing me to learn a lot, and works mostly

To start with, we'll assume that you have a RH 7.3 box, just installed, and you removed all the things that you do not want, we'll further assume that you want to build RH7.3 VServers.

First, we need the kernel updated, this is for vserver 1.22

cd /usr/src/

wget ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-2.4.23.tar.gz

wget http://www.13thfloor.at/vserver/s_release/v1.22/patch-2.4.23-vs1.22.diff

(Now we need to untar it, and patch it)

tar -xvzf linux-2.4.23.tar.gz

cd linux-2.4.23

cat ../patch-2.4.23-vs1.22.diff | patch -p1

(Ill use the default config file from solucorp.)

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/vserver/config-2.4.22

cp config-2.4.22 .config

(or cp /boot/config**** .config)

make oldconfig (I just agree to them all for now, cause I don't know any better)

make menuconfig (just to check on whats what)

make dep

make bzImage

make modules

make modules_install

make install

pico /etc/lilo.conf






root=/dev/sda1 (sda1 is my drive, yours is probabaly hda1)

(change default to vserver)

lilo (so your changes take effect)


Thats it for the kernel, now we move on to the vserver stuff.

uname -a (just to make sure we are on the new kernel)

(I like Apt-Get, so we do the following)

rpm -i http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/freshrpms/redhat/7.3/apt/apt-0.5.5cnc5-fr0.rh73.2.i386.rpm

apt-get update


apt-get -y upgrade


echo "alias ag=\"apt-get -y install \" " > /root/.bashrc

(cause I prefer to type (ag libxml) instead of (apt-get -y install libxml)

alias ag="apt-get -y install"

(so its active in this login session)

(now we start the actual vserver stuff)

ag wget (Just in case you don't have it)

mkdir /root/iso

cd /root/iso

(get valhalla-i386-disc1.iso from wherever you want.)

mkdir /mnt/cdrom (if it does not exist)

mount -o loop -t iso9660 -r /root/iso/valhalla-i386-disc1.iso /mnt/cdrom/

(add it to rc.local or fstab also)

export TERM="vt100" (makes newvserver look better)

(add it to /root/.bashrc)

cd /root

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/vserver/vserver-0.29-1.i386.rpm

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/vserver/vserver-admin-0.29-1.i386.rpm

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/linuxconf/devel/redhat-7.0/linuxconf-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/linuxconf/devel/redhat-7.0/linuxconf-lib-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

wget ftp://ftp.solucorp.qc.ca/pub/linuxconf/devel/redhat-7.0/linuxconf-util-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

ag libxml

rpm -i linuxconf-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

rpm -i linuxconf-lib-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

rpm -i linuxconf-util-1.32r1-1.i386.rpm

rpm -i vserver-0.29-1.i386.rpm

rpm -i vserver-admin-0.29-1.i386.rpm

(now ill get the util-vserver-0.26 tools)

wget http://www.13thfloor.at/vserver/s_release/v1.22/util-vserver-0.26.tar.bz2

(unbzip it)

bunzip2 util-vserver-0.26.tar.bz2

(untar it)

tar -xvf util-vserver-0.26.tar

(build it)

cd util-vserver-0.26



make install

(can someone add a link in here to a good explanation of the tools?)

(Ok, those are in, next)

(start the nscd deamon)

service nscd start

chkconfig nscd on 345

mkdir /vservers (our new server home)

(you may have to: )

pico /etc/conf.linuxconf

(add "LINUXCONF.distribution redhat" to the bottom)

pico /etc/vservers.conf

(set BACKGROUND=yes)

pico /etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults


# Reference vserver to clone

# clone=/

to read :

# Reference vserver to clone



# Network device for IP aliases setup

# ondev=eth0

to read :

# Network device for IP aliases setup



# (will be created in a sub-dir of this dir)

# newvroot=/opt/vservers

to read :

# (will be created in a sub-dir of this dir)



(Now your ready to build the first VServer)


(Note: newvserver is a linuxconf entry and is NOT a command line utility.)

(enter the appropriate data, make sure to uncheck "Share Disk Space" and check "On demand inet service " -Scroll Down-)


(a couple of errors when done is not to be worried about, I havent figured them out yet)

pico /etc/vservers/vps01.conf (or whatever you filled in for vpsname .conf)

(change "ONBOOT=no" to "ONBOOT=yes")

(change "S_CAPS="" to S_CAPS="CAP_NET_RAW") (if you want to allow ping, which I do)


vserver vps01 (or whatever you filled in for vpsname) status

vserver vps01 start


vserver vps01 enter

(now we are in the vps01 (or whatever))

vi /etc/resolv.conf


nameserver YOUR-DNS-SERVER1

nameserver YOUR-DNS-SERVER2


service network restart

ping yahoo.com

(if results recieved, your done, the vps is good to go)

(now we do apt-get again)

rpm -i http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/freshrpms/redhat/7.3/apt/apt-0.5.5cnc5-fr0.rh73.2.i386.rpm

apt-get update


apt-get -y upgrade


echo "alias ag=\"apt-get -y install \" " > /root/.bashrc

alias ag="apt-get -y install"

(well need wget)

ag wget

(install whatever else you want)

Thats it, so far it works for me, There will be updates to this as I get more things working better. Feel free to correct anything that I may have wrong.