We currently migrate to MediaWiki from our old installation, but not all content has been migrated yet. Take a look at the Wiki Team page for instructions how to help or browse through our new wiki at wiki.linux-vserver.org to find the information already migrated.

Goal of this page

to have Linux-VServer project as a whole a bit more structured and accessible... Therefor this should be the place to get a vision of the future structure of the site and the system behind it:

This topic needs to be divided into three parts:

  1. the webfrontend/website
  2. source-code/pach-management-solution
  3. tools to get bertl to use it :)

Suggestions for goal 1

Shameless copy of the ThinkTank page:

This is a copy of work which is done on this topic before. This, in the end, shows the whole dilemma - there are some guys working on a topic and the work is overseen in the first place to get the work done the second time... But anyhow, here we go (BenBen?):

Web design and look

  1. Do we want a http://sourceforge.net look with a lot of info on the first page?
  2. Do we want a http://www.debian.org look with left navigation, menubar and wide sectioned main part?
  3. Do we want a http://www.freebsd.org/ look with left navigation, midle sections and right news column ?


I'd go for the second choice, without the navigation bar at the top, just the navigation menu on the left.

The third one is really ugly if you're using small browser windows and the first one has too much information for my taste, especially the multiple column stuff isn't to my likings, i prefer just reading from top to bottom once.


I like the wiki concept but we will end up having some kind of frozen part at the front (top of the web). Would someone like to recommend some kind of Web admin or Groupware or organizing software?

  1. Tiki - http://tikiwiki.sourceforge.net - Wiki,Blogs etc. Allows having Groups of users and setting ACLs on Group basis.
  2. Bitweaver - http://www.bitweaver.org/
  3. WackoWiki? - http://wackowiki.com/ - Wiki with ACLs, allows having Groups of users and setting ACLs on User/Group basis. Official version works with mySQL, I'm (romke) preparing version for PostgreSQL?...
  4. TUTOS is a tool to manage the organizational needs of small groups, teams, or departments. - http://www.tutos.org
  5. TWiki.org is another wiki based on perl. this has ACLs and lots of different options, is very stable, used in lots of production environments on both intra- and inter- nets. (see the [indymedia] wiki for another well used example]
  6. What about drupal??? - http://drupal.org/ - Please have a look at http://drupal.org/handbook/is-drupal-right-for-you

gdm: Personally, I've been put off drupal as i think it is just trying to be "everything" without actually getting good at one thing. i'm not convinced that it is good as dedicated wiki softwares at keeping track of changes, etc. so, my vote would be against.

Requirements for goal 3

doener: ok, so we need a script that accepts the name of some delta(s), opens vi(m), allows you to write a small text, classify the deltas (branch etc.), stores information in a local ChangeLog(s) ( and data file ) and updates the correct ChangeLog(s) in the wiki and maybe start scp to upload the deltas. that's about all (assuming that the above requirements are met), right?

Bertl yep, that's it, the 'options' could be on command line or in the text as check fields


trac+svn (BenBen?)



mediawiki+webgit+vim plugin ;) (zeng)






zeng BTW: just found this: http://mozex.mozdev.org and http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=581 (Using vim to view source and edit textarea in mozilla/firebird) ;)

Information regarding mediawiki: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/05/12/1539231&from=rss