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11. Linux Kernel Intro

While almost all of the described features reside in the Linux Kernel, nifty Userspace Tools are required to activate and control the new functionality.

Those Userspace Tools in general communicate with the Linux Kernel via System Calls (or Syscall for short).

This chapter will give a short overview how Linux Kernel and User Space is organized and how Syscalls, a simple method of communication between processes and kernel, work.

11.0. Kernel and User Space

In Linux and similar Operating Systems, User and Kernel Space is separated, and address space is divided into two parts. Kernel space is where the kernel code resides, and user space is where the user programs live. Of course, a given user program can't write to kernel memory or to another program's memory area.

Unfortunately, this is also the case for kernel code. Kernel code can't write to user space either. What does this mean? Well, when a given hardware driver wants to write data bytes to a program in user memory, it can't do it directly, but rather it must use specific kernel functions instead. Also, when parameters are passed by address to a kernel function, the kernel function can not read the parameters directly. It must use other kernel functions to read each byte of the parameters.

Of course, there are some helpers which do the transfer to and from user space.

  copy_to_user(void *to, const void *from, long n);
  copy_from_user(void *to, const void *from, long n);

get_user() and put_user() Get or put the given byte, word, or long from or to user memory. This is a macro, and it relies on the type of the argument to determine the number of bytes to transfer.

11.1. Linux Syscalls

Most libc calls rely on system calls, which are the simplest kernel functions a user program can call.

These system calls are implemented in the kernel itself or in loadable kernel modules, which are little chunks of dynamically link-able kernel code.

Linux system calls are implemented through a multiplexor called with a given maskable interrupt. In Linux, this interrupt is int 0x80. When the 'int 0x80' instruction is executed, control is given to the kernel (or, more accurately, to the _system_call() function), and the actual demultiplexing process occurs.

How does _system_call() work ?

First, all registers are saved and the content of the %eax register is checked against the global system calls table, which enumerates all system calls and their addresses.

This table can be accessed with the extern void *sys_call_table[] variable. A given number and memory address in this table corresponds to each system call.

System call numbers can be found in /usr/include/sys/syscall.h.

They are of the form SYS_systemcallname. If the system call is not implemented, the corresponding cell in the sys_call_table is 0, and an error is returned.

Otherwise, the system call actually exists and the corresponding entry in the table is the memory address of the system call code.

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