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Be carrefull, very dirty, rough howto. Corrections always welcome by mail (kalou@kalou.net) or edit directly this page.

I am a poor linux admin, and have got only one linux box in my lab. \

I heard about IPCop, one of the best Firewall Open Source Solution at this time. So let's try to have it run inside a vserver...


- a working vserver skel (my skel is a debian sid debootstrap)


- mount ipcop-1.4.5.iso on /vservers/ipcop/mnt/iso (from the host vserver)

- mkdir /vservers/ipcop

- ipcop:/mnt/iso# tar -zxvf ipcop-1.4.5.tgz -C /ipcop/

tar will complain about /dev/ entries, because you dont have the CAP_MKNOD .

- In the host server, create the missing devices: (note that I have no isdn)

ipcop:/mnt/iso# grep mknod /tmp/mknod-errors.txt | egrep -v "tty|usb|nst|capi|raid|scd|/st|/sd|/hd|/ram|/fd|/lp|/rd|/parport|/sg|/isdn|/ccis|/ida|/loop|/zero|/dc|/ps"

Installing IPCop on windows:
