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Virtuozzo(tm) have one very intresting feature:

you can log into namebased site by SSH with only one SSH instance, runned on host.

So you have not need to have several ports for SSH access.

For VServer you can find how to do that here: http://swapoff.org/LinuxVServer.html

The raw description of how-to-use that vslogin that I got author, Alec Thomas (complete description with step-by-step guide will be at that page a bit later).


It requires a real user per vserver user you want to be able to log in. The GECOS field is in the form <virtuser>@<vserver>.

It then extracts the correct UID/GID from the vservers password file, does some WTMP/UTMP magic, some PTY magic then executes:

/usr/sbin/vserver --silent <vserver> exec /bin/su - <virtuser>

eg. my passwd entry might be:


This root server's passwd/shadow files are populated via a shell script that runs every 5 minutes. It copies each vserver uses shadow entries, generates a passwd entry with a dummy home directory (/var/vslogin/homes/athomas@build in my example), and copies their .ssh/authorized_keys file into the dummy home. The UID/GID in the root server can be anything, as they're never really used.

The script is pretty nasty unfortunately, and relies on an exim domain_routes file, so it's not really usable outside this server, but it wasn't too hard to whip one up.

Good luck, hope it works :)
