= Information extraite de /proc/virtual = |
= Information tiree de /proc/virtual = |
Nous avons ici le context id, l'emplacement du vx_info ainsi que le pid d'init |
this contains the usage count (references) and task count, as well as the context flags, capability boundary and context capabilities |
Nombre de token en cours, parametres de l'ordonanceur (fill rate, interval, min/max), la "priority bias" ainsi que le vavavoom (bonus calcule) |
this accounts socket messages for the listed protocols, as incoming messages/bytes and outgoing messages/bytes |
this contains the uptime bias, utsname settings (sys, node, rel, vers, machine, domain), the number of threads, thread stats (running, uninterruptible, on hold), the number of load updates, the load averages (1,5,15) and the number of forks |
limit columns are: current (1), max observed (2), limit (3) and number of hits (4) limit rows are: processes, virtual memory, locked memory, resident set size, anonymous memory, number of files, filedescriptors, locks, sockets, message queues, and shared memory |