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Fedora Core 4 "from scratch"

You're a fan of [Fedora Linux]? You want to play around with Linux-Vserver's or use them in production? But you are new to this and want an easy way to (quickly) start with a running system?

Note: If you didn't want a VServer installation guide to Fedora Core 4, maybe you were searching for a guide like this: [The Perfect Setup - Fedora Core 4]

This quick-and-dirty guide is aimed to assist you in a plain and basic installation "from scratch" to a running VServer enabled host system with also one installed basic guest system. (written whilst installing a new LAN gateway server, so should really work)

What you need:

What you don't need:

Okay, let's start:

1. installing the host system (including VServer enabled kernel)

2. installing the vserver utilities on the host system

Now the FC4-vs2.0 host is ready to

3. build the first guest system

vserver test build -m yum --hostname=test.example --interface test0=eth0: -- -d fc4

4. Things you might want to consider / remember

After this steps you should have a running host system with a guest system into it. The guest system can be "booted" (started) by using the vserver <vservername> start command, shutdown (stop) is done by vserver <vservername> stop command (both issued on the host system).

If you want some special procedure described on this page (which shoukd be of public interest), either add yourself (you're welcome) or [mail to the autor]

For further issues like more configuration etc. please read through the further documentation on this site.