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This page is for examples of actual uses of VServer. E.g. virtual dedicated servers, server backup, security, simplified maintenance etc etc. Please add your own! Hopefully this will give people an idea of the possible uses of VServer.

Virtual Dedicated Servers

Join the latest hosting buzzword revolution! Offer Virtual Dedicated Servers for your customers!

Seriously, VDSs are cool. And using VServer to do it is extra cool: (1) less resource usage than UML and (2) less cost than the various commercial solutions.

see VServer Hosting for a list of companies doing this and similar stuff with Linux-VServer


(Link to details on why vservers are secure! Actually does such a document exist?)

Backup & Failover

Don't have enough money to buy an external RAID enclosure? Can't be bothered setting up a full clustering solution? VServer is for you!

Step 1: Switch your standard server to run as a vserver inside a physical server.

Step 2: Distribute /vserver/<server>/ to your physical backup servers (using DRBD, Coda FS, etc - need some notes on doing this).

Now when your main physical server dies, simply run "vserver <server> start" on a backup server, and voila! your server is running like nothing happened.

Dedicated Game Server