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A word about versioning: Experimental exists for the stable branch and the devel branch.

The is the changelog of the experimental branch of stable.

The changelog of the development experimental branch can be found here: ChangeLogDevelExperimental

vs2.1.1-rc24 [2006.06.21]

vs2.1.1-rc23.2 [2006.06.xx]


vs2.1.1-rc22 [2006.06.03]

vs2.1.1-rc21 [??]

vs2.1.1-rc18 [??]

vs2.1.1-rc16 [2006.02.12]

vs2.1.1-rcXX [???]

vs2.1.1-rc6 [2006.02.14]

vs2.1.1-rc4 [2006.02.13]

vs2.1.0.9 [2006.01.28]

vs2.1.0.5 [2006.01.20]

vs2.1.0.4 [2006.01.10]